Please find below the final program. The program is also contained in the proceedings.
If possible, please register at the conference desk (located in the downstairs foyer of the Juridicum building - see venue) on Wednesday morning, from 8.30 a.m. to obtain your badge, etc. If you only arrive during the conference, the registration desk will also be open on Thursday from 9.00 a.m. and on Friday from 8.30 a.m.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
08:30 AM | Registration (at the conference desk) |
09:15 AM | Opening address by the president of the organizing society ÖGAI Ernst Buchberger |
09:20 AM | Welcome address by the program chair Jeremy Jancsary |
09:30 AM | Invited talk: The Statistical Approach to Natural Language Processing: Achievements and Open Problems Hermann Ney |
10:30 AM | Coffee break Poster presentations |
Session 1: | |
11:15 AM | Data-driven Knowledge Extraction for the Food Domain Michael Wiegand, Benjamin Roth, Dietrich Klakow |
11:45 AM | Integrating Viewpoints into Newspaper Opinion Mining for a Media Response Analysis Thomas Scholz, Stefan Conrad |
12:15 PM | A Supervised POS Tagger for Written Arabic Social Networking Corpora Rania Al-Sabbagh, Roxana Girju |
12:45 PM | Lunch break (on your own) |
Session 2: | |
02:15 PM | NLP Workflow for On-line Definition Extraction from English and Slovene Text Corpora Senja Pollak, Anže Vavpetič, Špela Vintar, Janez Kranjc, Nada Lavrač |
02:45 PM | Projecting Semantic Roles via Tai mappings Hector-Hugo Franco-Penya, Martin Emms |
03:15 PM | Coffee break Poster presentations |
Session 3: | |
04:00 PM | Automatic Identification of Motion Verbs in WordNet and FrameNet Parvin Sadat Feizabadi, Sebastian Pado |
04:30 PM | WordNet-Based Lexical Simplification of a Document S. Rebecca Thomas, Sven Anderson |
05:00 PM | Adding nominal spice to SALSA - frame-semantic annotation of German nouns and verbs Ines Rehbein, Josef Ruppenhofer, Caroline Sporleder, Manfred Pinkal |
Posters on Wednesday: | |
A Semantic Similarity Measure Based on Lexico-Syntactic Patterns Alexander Panchenko, Olga Morozova, Hubert Naets |
A Multi-level Annotation Model for Fine-grained Opinion Detection in Blog Comments Bianka Trevisan, Melanie Neunerdt, Eva-Maria Jakobs |
Robust processing of noisy web-collected data Jelke Bloem, Michaela Regneri, Stefan Thater |
Navigating Sense-Aligned Lexical-Semantic Resources: The Web Interface to UBY Iryna Gurevych, Michael Matuschek, Tri Duc Nghiem, Judith Eckle-Kohler, Silvana Hartmann, Christian Meyer |
Using Information Retrieval Technology for a Corpus Analysis Platform Carsten Schnober |
Three Approaches to Finding Valence Compounds Yannick Versley, Anne Brock, Verena Henrich, Erhard Hinrichs |
A Computational Semantic Analysis of Gradable Adjectives Mantas Kasperavicius |
Extending Dependency Treebanks with Good Sentences Alexander Volokh, Günter Neumann |
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
09:00 AM | Workshops |
PATHOS - Practice and Theory of Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis Organizers: Stefan Gindl, Robert Remus, Michael Wiegand Lecture room 11, downstairs foyer, Juridicum building |
Language Technology for Historical Text(s) Organizers: Brigitte Krenn, Karlheinz Mörth, Thierry Declerck Seminar room at OFAI (2 minutes' walk from the Juridicum building - how to get there) Note: If you haven't already, it is necessary that you visit the conference desk in the Juridicum building to obtain your badge, etc. first. The desk is open from 8.30 AM on Friday. |
Recent developments and applications of lexical-semantic resources Organizers: Stefan Engelberg, Claudia Kunze Lecture room 12, downstairs foyer, Juridicum building |
Standards for Language Resources - Ongoing Developments and Practical Applications Organizers: Andreas Witt, Ulrich Heid Lecture room 13, downstairs foyer, Juridicum building |
07:00 PM | Conference Dinner At "Heuriger 10er Marie", Ottakringer Straße 222-224, A-1160 Vienna (How to get there) |